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Sally, Sally

Sally, Sally, tell me true,
Sally, Sally, who are you?
I am a little girl.

Billy, Billy, tell me true,
Billy, Billy, who are you?
I am a little boy.

I am a girl

I am a girl
A little one.
I like to play,
I like to run.

Father, Mother, Sister, Brother

Here is my Father,
Here is my Mother,
Here is my Sister,
Here is my Brother.

Father, Mother,
Sister, Brother
Hand in hand
With one another.

Ten little horses

Ten little horses
Galloped into town
Five were black
And five were brown
They galloped up
And they galloped down
And they galloped
And they galloped
Right out of town!

Can you show me your horses…now!

Miss Polly had a dolly

Miss Polly had a dolly
Who was sick, sick, sick
So she called for the doctor
To come quick, quick, quick
The doctor came
With his bag and his hat
And he knocked at the door
With a rat-a-tat-tat-

He looked at the dolly
And he shook his head,
And he said "Miss Polly,
Put her straight to bed."
He wrote out a paper
For a pill, pill, pill
"I'll be back in the morning
With the bill, bill, bill."

Little Arabella Miller

Little Arabella Miller
Had a woolly caterpillar
First it crawled upon her mother
Then upon her baby brother
All said "Arabella Miller,
take away that caterpillar!"

Two Little Dickie Birds

Two little dickie birds
sitting on a wall
One named Peter
One named Paul
Fly away Peter
Fly away Paul
Come back Peter
Come back Paul

Two little tadpoles
Swimming in a lake
One named Jessie
One named Jake
Swim away Jessie
Swim away Jake
Come back Jessie
Come back Jake

Two little butterflies
Flying through the air
One named Billy
One name Blair
Fly away Billy
Fly away Blair
Come back Billy
Come back Blair

Let's all sing a song together

Let's all sing a song together
Let's all sing a song together
Let's all sing a song together
- As we like to do

Let's all play our bells together
Let's all play our bells together
Let's all play our bells together
- As we like to do

Let's all play our drums together
Let's all play our drums together
Let's all play our drums together
- As we like to do

Let's all play maracas together
Let's all play maracas together
Let's all play maracas together
- As we like to do

Let's all clap our hands together
Let's all clap our hands together
Let's all clap our hands together
- As we like to do

Let's stand up and dance together
Let's stand up and dance together
Let's stand up and dance together
- As we like to do

Teddy plays on the swing

Teddy plays on the swing
Teddy plays on the slide
Teddy plays on the swing
And Teddy plays on the slide

And he goes

Tick - tock
Forwards and back
Round & round he goes
Tick - tock
Forwards and back
Round & round he goes

Old Mac Donald had a farm

Old Mac Donald had a farm e.i.e.i.o
And on that farm he had a cow e.i.e.i.o
With a moo moo here, and a moo moo there,
here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo
Old Mac Donald had a farm e.i.e.i.o

And on that farm he had a duck e.i.e.i.o
With a quack quack here, and a quack quack there,
here a quack there a quack, everywhere a quack quack
Old Mac Donald had a farm e.i.e.i.o

And on that farm he had a horse e.i.e.i.o
With a neigh neigh here, and a neigh neigh there,
here a neigh, there a neigh, everywhere a neigh neigh
Old Mac Donald had a farm e.i.e.i.o

And on that farm he had a pig e.i.e.i.o
With an oink oink here, and an oink oink there,
here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink oink
Old Mac Donald had a farm e.i.e.i.o

And on that farm he had a sheep e.i.e.i.o
With a baa baa here, and a baa baa there,
here a baa, there a baa, everywhere a baa baa
Old Mac Donald had a farm e.i.e.i.o

And on that farm he had a tractor e.i.e.i.o
With a brmm brmm here, and a brmm brmm there,
here a brmm, there a brmm, everywhere a brmm brmm
Old Mac Donald had a farm e.i.e.i.o

Clap hand for Mammie

Clap hand for Mammie
Till Daddie come
Daddie bring cake and sugar-plum
Clap hand for Mammie
Till Daddie come
Daddie bring cake and give baby some

Iggley Piggley

Iggley piggley wriggley rose
Under your chin and between your toes
Iggley piggley wriggley roo
Close your eyes and peek-a-boo

Iggley piggley wriggley wren - down your toes
and back again
Iggley piggley wriggley ree
Tickley baby on my knee

I wiggle my fingers

I wiggle my fingers
I wiggle my toes
I wiggle my ears
I wiggle my nose
When no more wiggles are left in me
Then I'm as still as still as can be

Row Row Row your boat

Row row row your boat gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily - life is but a dream

Row row row your boat gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily - life is but a dream

Now rock rock rock your boat gently to and fro
Watch out give a shout - into the water we go

Row row row your boat gently out to sea
Merrily merrily merrily merrily - back in time for tea

Row row row your boat gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile - don't forget to scream -

Hedgehog is very prickly

A hedgehog is very prickly
A hedgehog is very prickly
A hedgehog is very prickly
It couldn't be anything else!

A fish is very slippery
A fish is very slippery
A fish is very slippery
It couldn't be anything else!

A teddy is very cuddly
A teddy is very cuddly
A teddy is very cuddly
It couldn't be anything else!

A frog is very jumpy
A frog is very jumpy
A frog is very jumpy
It couldn't be anything else!

A snake is very wriggly
A snake is very wriggly
A snake is very wriggly
It couldn't be anything else!

A crocodile is very snappy
A crocodile is very snappy
A crocodile is very snappy
It couldn't be anything else!

But a baby is very tickly
A baby is very tickly
A baby is very tickly
It couldn't be anything else!

Clap your hands

Clap your hands, clap your hands, clap them just like me
Clap your hands, clap your hands, clap them just like me
Clap your hands, clap your hands, clap them just like me
Clap them just like me

Nod your head, nod your head, nod it just like me
Nod your head, nod your head, nod it just like me
Nod your head, nod your head, nod it just like me
Nod it just like me

Shrug your shoulders, shrug your shoulders, shrug them just like me
Shrug your shoulders, shrug your shoulders, shrug them just like me
Shrug your shoulders, shrug your shoulders, shrug them just like me
Shrug them just like me

Pat your knees, pat your knees, pat them just like me
Pat your knees, pat your knees, pat them just like me
Pat your knees, pat your knees, pat them just like me
Pat them just like me

Stamp your feet, stamp your feet, stamp them just like me
Stamp your feet, stamp your feet, stamp them just like me
Stamp your feet, stamp your feet, stamp them just like me
Stamp them just like me

Wheels on the bus

The wheels on the bus go round and round
- round and round - round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All day long!

The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish
- swish swish swish -swish swish swish,
The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish
All day long!

The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep
- beep beep beep - beep beep beep
The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep
All day long!

The doors on the bus go in and out
- in and out - in and out
The doors on the bus go in and out
All day long!

The children on the bus bounce up and down
- up and down - up and down
The children on the bus bounce up and down
All day long!

The mummies on the bus go chatter chatter
chatter - chatter chatter chatter
- chatter chatter chatter
The mummies on the bus go
chatter chatter chatter
All day long!

The daddies on the bus go shh shh shh
- shh shh shh - shh shh shh
The daddies on the bus go shh shh shh
All day long!

The babies on the bus go fast asleep
- fast asleep - fast asleep
The babies on the bus go fast asleep
All day long!

The wheels on the bus go round and round
- round and round - round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All day long!

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